16 September 2021 is the International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer


International ozone layer preservation is celebrating its 36th anniversary this year. We couldn't exist on this planet without the sun. Sun radiation would be too high for life on Earth without ozone layer protection. The ozone layer, a fragile shield of gas, Because of its delicate gaseous shielding, the Earth is protected from dangerous solar radiation, which is essential for life on the planet. A large portion of the sun's harmful UV rays is blocked by this stratospheric screen. The sun makes life conceivable, but the ozone layer makes life as we know it possible. This also contributed to global efforts to address climate change.


What is ozone, exactly?

Ozone (O3) is an oxygen compound with the chemical formula O3. The oxygen we breathe, which is necessary for life on Earth, is known as O2.
Despite the fact that ozone is a small component of our atmosphere, its presence is vital to human health. The majority of ozone is found in the atmosphere between 10 and 40 kilometers above the Earth's surface. The stratosphere is the topmost layer of the atmosphere, where 90% of all ozone is found.


What role does ozone play in the atmosphere?

Ozone in the stratosphere absorbs some of the Sun's biologically harmful UV radiation. Because of its positive role, stratospheric ozone is referred to as "good" ozone. Pollution-induced excess ozone near the Earth's surface, on the other hand, is referred to as "bad" ozone because it can harm humans, plants, and animals. Ozone, which occurs naturally near the surface and in the lower atmosphere, is also beneficial because it helps to remove impurities from the air.

The Ozone Hole and Science

You can see what's happening with the ozone layer over the Antarctic, including the ozone hole! here Live

When the findings of a British Antarctic Survey research was released in May 1985, the phenomenon of ozone depletion over Antarctica was termed the "ozone hole," a term first credited to Nobel Prize winner Sherwood Rowland. It's a hole near the poles, on the Antarctic continent, and in the Arctic Ocean, that allows massive amounts of ultraviolet light to pass through. It's particularly large in the spring in both hemispheres, resulting in longer summer seasons. The Ozone Hole has become a global symbol of this environmental problem, with satellite photos of it helping to rally public support for the Montreal Protocol. The ozone hole exposed the global consequences of human activities on the atmosphere.


Human and environmental consequences of ozone depletion

Some of the unfavorable implications include an increase in some types of skin cancer, eye cataracts, and immune deficiency disorders. UV radiation has an effect on both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, affecting growth, food chains, and metabolic cycles. High UV levels have an especially negative impact on aquatic species just beneath the water's surface, which serves as the foundation of the food chain. UV rays also have an effect on plant development, reducing agricultural output.


What is Montreal Protocol

The Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer (Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer) is a ground-breaking global environmental pact that limits the manufacture and use of almost 100 man-made compounds known as ozone-depleting substances (ODS). When compounds like these are released into the atmosphere. The Protocol, which went into effect on September 15, 1987, is the only UN agreement that has been signed by every country on the planet — all 198 UN Member States. 


What can be done to protect the ozone layer?

The preservation of the ozone layer is also beneficial to the climate.

  • Reduce the amount of time you spend in your car. Urban, biking, or walking are the best forms of transportation. If you must go by car, try to carpool with others to save money and decrease your carbon footprint.
  • Air conditioners can release CFCs into the atmosphere and affect the Ozone. Reduce the amount of time you spend in front of the air conditioner. Most refrigerants used in air conditioners, refrigerators, and freezers contain chlorine. Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) and affect Ozone. 
  • Buy products made in your own country or near your city. In this manner, you not only get fresh Food, goods, but you also avoid consuming food that has traveled long distances. As the distance traveled, the material utilized to transport that product & emits more nitrous oxide.
  • Avoid using cleaning products that are harmful to the environment or to ourselves. Many cleaning products contain solvents and caustic chemicals, however, these hazardous components may be replaced with non-toxic alternatives such as vinegar or bicarbonate, and use ecologically friendly paints 
  • Environmentally friendly goods: Use organic products as much as possible. Preservatives and packaged foods should be avoided at any cost.
  • Recycling, reducing waste, and reusing are some of the oldest environmental preservation mantras (RRR). Reduce the use of hazardous materials and gases. Try to reuse the objects as much as possible. Garbage should be recycled to the fullest.
  • To find out if a product is Energy Star-certified, check for the Energy Star logo on the package.
  • Consider, for example, turning off the lights at home and at work when they're not in use to conserve energy. Small lifestyle changes like these can make a lot of difference in lowering the pollution levels


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